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Classroom Jobs

- sharpens dull pencils at the end of the day

- empties pencil sharpeners

Pencil Monitor - 1 position available

Lunch Count - 1 position available

- records daily lunch count

- passes out lunch sticks at the end of the day

- carries clothespins to the cafeteria

- takes lunch count to the office

- delivers daily correspondence to the office and other classrooms

- gets papers from the printer

Messenger - 1 position available

- performs the jobs of any absent students

- helps out the real substitute when the teacher is out

Substitute - 1 position available

- keeps classroom library neat and organized

- cleans up stray books and puts them away

- monitors student book boxes

Librarian - 2 positions available


- turns computers off each afternoon

- makes sure the projector is turned off before we leave the classroom

- makes sure computer tables are cleared off (books and headphones)

Computer Technician - 1 position available

- in charge of turning off lights when we leave the room

- in charge of turning on lights when we return to the room

- always walks at the end of the line

Energy Conservationist - 1 position available

- leads the line in the hallway

- switches the clip on the "Where We Are" poster

- demonstrates proper behavior for walking in the halls

Line Leader - 1 position available

- walks second in line

- holds the door for the entire class to enter/leave the building

- joins the end of the line once finished with duties

Door Holder - 1 position available

- sets back pack bins out at the end of the day

- puts back pack bins away in the morning

Back Pack Boss - 1 position available

- file graded work into student mailboxes

- file parent notices into student mailboxes

File Clerks - 2 positions available

- erases the board

- manages the board materials

- switches the daily specials schedule and changes the date for the next day

Board Manager - 1 position available

- puts trashcans and recycling bin in the hall at the end of the day

- passes out scrap bins during cutting activities

Custodian - 1 position available

Below you will find a list of the jobs that are available in our classroom.  As you will notice, some jobs require the work of one person while others require a team to get them done.  Each job has its own, unique set of responsibilities, yet all jobs require a dedicated, responsible, hard-working person to get them done.


If you are interested in holding one of the jobs listed below, you can complete a classroom job application during the hiring window at the beginning of each 9-week grading period.  Please keep in mind that just because you applied for a specific job does not mean that you will necessarily get that job.  You could be offered a different job.  No matter what job you are offered, you have the right to turn it down.  Just remember that by doing so, you are foregoing a job (and therefore payment) for 9 weeks.

A classroom is run only as well as the workers employed.  Failure to complete your job duties during the week can result in lower or no wages for that week.  Continuous neglect of your duties could result in you being fired from your job.  If this happens, you will have to wait until the start of the next 9-weeks to apply for a new job.

- sweeps the floor at the end of the day

- informs table groups of clean up/chair issues

Floor Inspector - 1 position available

- passes out papers and other materials to table groups

- collects assignments as needed

Materials Managers - 2 positions available
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